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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 广东省 深圳市 宝安区 西乡街道 西乡街道安圣大厦四楼419A
  • 姓名: 凌飞
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


  • 所属行业:机械 清洗/清理设备 工业吸尘设备
  • 发布日期:2017-04-20
  • 阅读量:151
  • 价格:1.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:403*403*736mm
  • 产品数量:1000.00 台
  • 包装说明:纸箱
  • 发货地址:广东深圳宝安区西乡街道  
  • 关键词:无尘室吸尘器,净化车间吸尘器,LED车间**吸尘器,机电车间**吸尘器,手机屏车间用吸尘器,工业吸尘器


    电压: 220-240V
    气流:96 cfm 42 L/sec
    吸气量:99″H2O 3200mm H2O
    吸尘桶容量:5.5gallons (25 Litres)
    特 点: 
    l --BLUE BABY CRV-100外观设计采用人体工程学设计,操作简易、不易疲劳; 
    l --BLUE BABY CRV-100体积小巧,吸力大,过滤面积大;
    l --BLUE BABY CRV-100无尘室吸尘器具有四大过滤系统可有效过滤99.999%之0.3μm粒子;
    HEPA可有效过滤0.3μm(相当于人类头发丝直径的1/300)的尘埃微粒达99.99%,适用于Class 100-10000级环境,每个过滤器都经过DOP及激光尘埃粒子计数器的双重严格检测。ULPA可以有效过滤99.999%的0.12μm(相当于人类头发丝直径的1/960)大小的粉尘,适用于Class1-10级无尘净化环境,国家**总局***吸尘器。
    售后服务: 1.产品交付时,我公司派专业技术人员到贵公司进行技术指导,免费对贵公司吸尘器操作人员进行培训,教授其正确的使用方法和产品维护方法,并集中讲解吸尘器的工作原理,组成部分、操作步骤等;
    2.集尘袋更换 如集尘袋已满,请先确保已关闭吸尘器电源或已将电源插头从电源插座中拔除,把已满的集尘袋取出,把新集尘袋口部装入吸嘴卡中,再把新集尘袋拉好
    Voltage: 220-240V
    Power: 1200W
    Air: 96 CFM 42 L/sec
    Inspiratory capacity: 99 "H2O 3200mm H2O
    Noise criteria: only 52dB (a)
    Suction bucket capacity: 5.5gallons (25 Litres)
    Weight: 15kg
    The external size: L*W* (403mm*403mm*736mm)
    Special point:
    L BABY CRV-100 BLUE designs using ergonomic design, easy operation, no easy fatigue;
    L BABY CRV-100 BLUE small volume, big suction, large filtering area;
    L BABY CRV-100 BLUE clean room vacuum cleaner has four filtering system can effectively filter 99.999% 0.3 μ m particles
    Filter systems: CRV series special cleaner for clean room four high filtration system
    The first filter / paper bag (disposable)
    Can effectively collect visual dust filter.
    Second layers of filter / increase cloth filter (washable) can protect and prolong the life of high efficiency filter (HEPA).
    Third layers of filter / motor protection set of deep bed filtration
    Can protect the motor to extend its service life.
    Fourth layers of filter /HEPA or ULPA filter
    HEPA can effectively filter 0.3 μ m (equivalent to 1/300 of the diameter of a human hair) of dust particles reached 99.99%, suitable for Class 100-10000 environment, each filter through the dual strict examination of DOP and laser particle counter. ULPA can effectively filter 99.999% 0.12 μ m (equivalent to a human hair diameter 1/960) the size of the dust, applicable to Class1-10 level dust-free clean environment, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration designated special cleane
    Suitable for clean room, clean room, the wafer processing, the food processing industry, semiconductor processing, the electronics factory, laboratory.
    After sale service: 1 product delivery, the technical guidance of my company to send professional and technical personnel to your company, free training of the operators your vacuum cleaner, Professor of the right to use and maintenance methods, and focus on cleaner working principle, component, operation procedure etc.;
    2 regular customer service phone door-to-door service, to sell the product quality tracking;
    3 products sold on the date of the warranty period (18 months), after the warranty period, can provide long-term technical support.
    4.CRV clean room vacuum cleaner filtering efficiency is the highest level 1-10 environment purification. Can filter 0.12um particles up to 99.999%
    Use and maintenance of vacuum cleaner
    Use the vacuum cleaner, please ensure that the indoor voltage is consistent with the rated voltage, the vacuum cleaner has been configured to dust bag, dust bag for correct installation, do not use cleaner
    1 start and stop the power supply to the power line plug into the socket, turn on the vacuum cleaner power switch, the power switch on the vacuum cleaner motor, cleaning is completed, should first turn off vacuum cleaner power switch, and then unplug the power line plug
    2 dust bag replacement such as dust bag is full, please ensure that the closed vacuum cleaner power or the power plug from the power socket in the extraction, the dust collecting bag full out, the coal dust bag into the suction nozzle in the card, then the coal dust bag pull
    3 bag filter efficiency and motor protection hood cleaning bag filter and a motor protective cover belongs to lieutenant colonel washable type, such as bag filter efficiency and motor protector has stolen goods, please take them off, dry cleaned by removing step can be loaded, if damaged please contact agents or distributors replacement.
    1 after use, please use clean cloth heuristic clean, placed in a dry and clean place, do not place in damp environment and direct sunlight environment, which will lead to the danger of unexpected 2 please do not use organic solvents such as ethanol heuristic body surface body such as dirt difficult to clean, dust-free cloth stained with a little neutral cleaner heuristic, and then with a dry cloth, wipe off. 3 vacuum cleaner filter belongs to precision devices, should be considered when the motor is running and the use of environmental change in time, otherwise it will affect the service life of the motor, 4 medium efficiency filter and protective cover for stolen goods should be cleaned or replaced, otherwise it will affect the filtering effect and influence of cleaner motor service life, the 5 dust bag suitable when the motor is running and using environment and appropriate to replace the vacuum cleaner is a dry cleaner, 6 please do not used for water and other liquids, is also not suitable for explosion-proof environment
    Edit this paragraph cleaner matters needing attention
    To avoid the electric shock and ensure safety in using the vacuum cleaner, please read the instructions and safety precautions
    Use the vacuum cleaner, please ensure that access the power supply voltage and the voltage is consistent
    Use the vacuum cleaner, please ensure that the vacuum cleaner suction port is not blocked
    The vacuum cleaner belongs to the dry cleaner, only dry vacuum cleaner, do not attempt to absorb water and other liquids for
    The vacuum cleaner of non explosion proof environment design, do not used for explosion-proof environment and the combustible gas place

    欢迎来到广东深圳市诚达辉净化科技有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省深圳市宝安区西乡街道安圣大厦四楼419A,老板是马中雁。 主要经营深圳市诚达辉净化科技有限公司自组建以来,一直致力于清洁设备、空气净化设备、防静电用品的生产与销售,多年来公司在不断研发新产品的同时又引进了欧洲**工业清洁吸尘设备。目前公司**品牌有: BLUE BABY 无尘室吸尘器系列、DEODAR气动清洁设备、Starmix工业干湿两用吸尘器系列,产品类型包含:干式无尘室**吸尘器、气动吸\吹吸尘器、气动无尘室吸尘器、气动防爆吸尘器、干湿两用吸尘器、大功率涡。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 我公司在机械产品领域倾注了无限的热忱和激情,公司一直以客户为中心、以客户价值为目标的理念、以品质、服务来赢得市场,衷心希望能与社会各界合作,共创成功,共创辉煌,携手共创美好明天!